Deleted Interest Errors

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Deleted Interest Errors

hmtoggle_plus1When are you first alerted to Billing Deleted Interest Errors?


hmtoggle_plus1When are you first alerted to Revenue Deleted Interest errors?


hmtoggle_plus1Why do I have Billing Deleted Interest Errors?


hmtoggle_plus1How do I correct a deleted interest error related to adding billing costs?



Why am I getting Revenue Deleted Interest Errors?

hmtoggle_plus1Reason 1:  Errors in Check Stub


hmtoggle_plus1Reason 2: You are exempting an owner for Taxes or Other Expenses in the DOI deck.




Deleted Interest Don’ts

Deleted Interest errors are, let’s be honest, annoying and sometimes complicated. Follow these best practice recommendations to minimize your deleted interest errors.

1.Don’t enter billing or revenue through any modules other than AP or Check Stub.

Remember, these are the only two modules that currently have an automatic gross up feature. The number one reason for deleted interest errors is due to entries having been made in the General Ledger module to a DOI that has billing deleted interest. When you do this, you are not billing the correct amount!

If entries are made in the GL to a DOI that contains deleted interest, you must manually calculate the deleted interest portion and include it in the entry.

2.Don’t change decks in View/Trend.

If an entry is already posted in the GL, changing the deck in View/Trend to a deck where the deleted interest differs from the original will result in a deleted interest error every time!

For example, if you posted a check stub to the blank deck that contains no deleted interest and you change the entry to a deck with deleted interest, you will have deleted interest errors because the original entry was not grossed up the proper 100% amount. Therefore, you are not distributing the correct amount.

To change the deck, first un-post the entry through the system that created it (i.e. AP or check stub), change the deck, and then re-post the entry. This will gross up the entry correctly.

3.Don’t change the DOI deleted interest % if entries have already been posted to that deck.

Pak Accounting added an error trapping enhancement to the DOI in 2017, that will not allow you to change the billing or revenue deleted interest on a DOI that has entries already posted to the General Ledger. You should un-post any entries prior to changing the deleted interest percentage or change the deleted interest percentage after posting your current revenue or billing cycle.

4.Don’t use the automated billing or revenue corrections utility if the deleted interest has changed.

If the deleted interested has changed since the original entry was posted, using the automated corrections utility will result in a deleted interest error every time! You need to reverse the entry to a deck with the original deleted interest percentage (i.e. if the original deck has changed, you will need to create a “fix it” deck that contains the original deleted interest). Then, renter the invoice or check stub to the current deck.

5.Don’t set-up an owner named “Deleted Interest” and use it without marking it as deleted interest.

In the case of revenue, if you are not receiving 100%, you should always have the remainder of the interest that you do not receive marked as deleted interest. If you set-up a “dummy owner” and do not mark it as deleted interest, you still distribute the incorrect amount of revenue to owners that you should be paying. Now you are showing a liability in your suspense or revenue paid that should have been distributed to the owners that should be getting paid.

6.Don’t use Billing Overhead Maintenance if the DOI/Deck contains billing deleted interest.

Overhead Maintenance will not gross up billing when there is deleted interest. Instead of using Overhead Maintenance to billing this reoccurring charge, use AP standard entries.